Derby City Mission was started in 1989 initially working a debt advice service, "Jubilee", and a food "Basics" bank, which was the first food bank nationwide. Jubilee clinics are run by trained advisors at different venues and have assisted many people when at their most vulnerable.



DCM acquired premises in 1996 and started a project to assist deprived children at Christmas. Other projects were initiated with schools and street outreach.

In 2009, Street Pastors was launched to help people partying in Derby on Friday and Saturday nights, and outreach to street homeless people was started with food and companionship.

In 2011, DCM moved to Charnwood Street and in 2015 it took out a lease on an industrial unit to house the Basics bank and provide a logistics base for the Derby Churches Nightshelter.

The Nightshelter project, ran every winter between 2013-2020, in response to the city council's cuts in funding for hostel beds.

In 2019 we launched our Safe Space project, a 24/7 emergency facility for those sleeping rough.

In 2020, the world was struck by COVID-19 and new schemes were brought by the Government to support those rough sleeping in our city. This involved housing rough sleepers in a hotel in Derbyshire, which we facilitated. This year, we also signed the lease for '10 Normonton Road' and began work to transform it into our central support hub of operations. This included new on-site warehouses for our food provision, a new kitchen, toilets, office space and state of the art Safe Space facility featuring 'clean air sleeping rooms' which reduced the risk of spreading viruses between guests.

2021 saw the initial launch of our Community Shop and Cafe from within the new hub.

And 2022, we started the ByMySide and My Place projects, showcasing the successes of our relational approach to transforming lives. These projects set out to support those with addictions and those leaving the prison system. Both of these were identified as root causes of challenges we had been combating, such as poverty and homelessness.

2023: After a huge renovation project, we re-launched our Community Shop and Cafe, as well as a new emergency accommodation facility (called The Ark) for those without a home.

Throughout our history, we have been supported, led and staffed by a huge number of incredible people, churches, city partners and businesses. We thank everyone who has contributed in any way to the work of Derby City Mission. 

Together, we can see more lives transformed.

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