In Memory

In Loving Memory of Andrew (Andy) Evans

08 Oct 1977 - 11 Dec 2022

Son    Husband    Father    Friend

1977- 2022

"Andy Evans was a talented musician and was deeply loved and respected by his friends and family. He sadly passed away just before Christmas 2022. He often showed loving concern for others and especially those less fortunate than himself so it is fitting that the generous donations his friends and family have made be used to help those who have fallen on hard times."

Kind regards, Malcolm Evans (Father of Andy)

On Thursday 19th January 2023, family and friends gathered to celebrate the life of Andy. Sharing memories of his love of music, telling stories of his life and the enormous impact he made. After a time of reflection, there was an open mic where those in attendance shared stories of the happy, humorous and eventful times they have spent with Andy. 

Any offerings you wish to give would be greatly appreciated and will be used to support the work of Derby City Mission.

Initial donations come to a total of just over £375

Thank you from Derby City Mission to all who have chosen to remember Andy's legacy in this way.

All proceeds go to

General Donation to Derby City Mission

So far your kind donations have raised

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