Over 100 individuals from the vulnerable and homeless community have been successfully vaccinated as part of a unique partnership between Derby City Mission, Derby City Council, NHS Ambulance Staff and Local GPs.

Yesterday, Derby City Mission’s Safe Space became one of the first organisations in the UK to create a temporary vaccination centre to administer the second dose of the vaccine, following the first dose clinics held there in February.

Many of the homeless community aren’t able to access health care and so this partnership provided a conduit to reach those most vulnerable in an accessible and appropriate environment.

Phil Morton, Head of Crisis Support at Derby City Mission says,

“We’re committed to partnership working at Safe Space, across the board. By developing the relationships with the specialists and Derby City Council, we have been able to offer the more vulnerable and homeless individuals an opportunity to receive this vital medical help. They wouldn’t usually have access to a GP surgery or vaccine centre and so we’re delighted that the community has engaged and we have demonstrated what we stand for, by providing a ‘safe space’ to see lives transformed”

It was recognised early in the vaccination programme that those who are homeless or sleeping rough are at increased risk of being infected with Covid-19. Having existing relationships with the individuals in this community, Derby City Mission have been able to encourage them to attend the clinics and in turn reduce this risk and add to the success of the vaccination roll out across Derby.