In March 2019 Derby City Mission launched Safe Space, a service providing entrenched rough sleepers with a ‘safe space’ to get help and support in the day and to be temporarily accommodated overnight. DCM is working in partnership with the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office (OPPC), Public Health England, Derby Homes and East Midlands Ambulance Service to deliver this project.


Safe Space provides daytime accommodation for up to 12 guests at a time, and overnight this number is reduced to 8. Guests are able to access a shower if they require it, wash their clothes, have their health needs tended to by an on-site paramedic, have some basic food and drink, get warm, keep dry, engage in conversation, be listened to, or even watch the TV.

The high calibre team of 12 staff is headed up by Sandra Dawkins, one of our senior missionaries, and they bring vast experience from their time working with our nightshelters, and from other life experiences. 

So far we have seen 49 different people access the space and whilst we are encouraged that the project is being used, we are even more excited when we see these rough sleepers helped off the street. Recently one of our guests has moved into rehab and another has managed to secure his own flat.