A lot has happened in 7 years since Derby City Mission moved from the suburbs to Charnwood Street. Being in the heart of the city has opened up many opportunities to engage with those in need through the Nightshelter and Recovery Lunch, and Street Pastors.  We want to thank you our supporters, who generously give your time and finances, allowing us to continually reach out to those in need. New opportunities has meant new staff, and to be able to deliver and expand the services we offer, we need more space - a new building we are calling ‘the Community Hub’. With our verse for the year ‘Walk by faith, not by sight’ firmly in mind, we have taken a leap of faith and put in an offer, which has been accepted, and need £550,000 to complete the purchase.

Could you be a part of making our vision for a Community Hub become a reality?

The Hub will be multi-functional, providing:

Restoration space: where our guests can receive holistic care for mental, physical and spiritual wellness and we address addictions, financial issues, sense of worthlessness, strains in social relationships and criminal tendencies

Meeting space: to run a café, to build relationships and to help people on a journey from chaotic to contributory lifestyles

Supportive space: where we can hold mentoring sessions with clients to help them achieve their goals, learn new skills and develop new interests together

Prayer space: where we can worship God and pray for our city, for His transforming power to bring healing to broken lives and hope through a relationship with God to the people we meet

Outreach space: where we can expand our work into local schools and run children’s clubs

Training space: where we can train our volunteers and other Christians through our School of Urban Missions to improve their knowledge and effectiveness and enrich their lives.

The Hub will also be DCM’s new headquarters and provide effective work and meeting space for our staff.


  • The building will cost about £900,000
  • We will fund it by a mortgage, our reserves and donations from individuals and grant making trusts
  • We will receive additional income to help pay off the mortgage from renting part of the building to another partner organisation who also work with the disadvantaged and share our Christian ethos.


  • To donate, or
  • To make a pledge of money to enable DCM to purchase the Community Hub in 2018

If you are able to support this major development in the work of DCM, please donate below

If you are able to donate or pledge a larger sum, please call Martin Grosvenor on 01332 460346 or email [email protected] 

Thank you in advance for your generosity and for all that you do to support us in giving, praying and volunteering.