Our Jubilee Clinics do brilliant work with their clients to support them with debts and benefits.

A young woman - a recovering addict who was brought in with her baby by her social worker - was struggling with her finances, was feeling anxious and like she had lost control. There were concerns that this stress may cause her to turn back to her old habits to escape her difficulties, putting her at risk of losing her daughter. 

Sarah and Ruth were able to sort out a repayment schedule for her rent arrears, which prevented her from being evicted, and nine months on she is still in her home. They were also able to make arrangements to prevent the bailiff action for council tax arrears. After reviewing her benefits, they realised she was entitled to more than she was receiving and so this has been rectified.

Alongside improving her financial situation, the Jubilee team have supported this lady to live within a budget and reduce her bills. As a consequence, her mental and physical health have both improved and her baby is thriving. They are now attending a church playgroup regularly and have been to services a few times. She is such an amazing lady and the Jubilee team feel privileged to be part of the progress she has made.