It’s finally here! After months of negotiations and untying legal knots we are delighted to announce that Derby City Mission have completed the purchase of a new building that will serve as both our staff offices and as a Community Hub. On the 4th October 2019 we were handed the keys to 10 Normanton Road, Derby.  Since then a 3 phase programme of work is underway to relocate all our staff here along with some existing and new services.

Developments & Progress

You can follow the development work that is ongoing by following this link to our Community Hub page   CLICK HERE

These pages will be updated weekly to provide an ongoing record of all the development that is currently ongoing.

Why do we need a Community Hub?

The primary focus for having a Community Hub is to consolidate our existing services, but also to expand our work in line with the vision that God has placed upon us to start to tackle the causes of extreme poverty as well as the symptoms.

What will we use it for?

The Hub will be the new headquarters of Derby City Mission from which we will deliver services to the people of the city of Derby. The building is a God given space in which we can help restore broken people and introduce them to the benefits of a relationship with God.

  • Restoration space: a place where guests receive holistic care for mental, physical and spiritual wellness and we address addictions, financial issues, sense of worthlessness, strains in social relationships and criminal tendencies
  • Public space: a place to run a café, to build relationships and to move people from chaotic to contributory lifestyles
  • Supportive space: a place where we can hold mentoring sessions with clients to help them achieve their personal goals
  • Meeting space: a place where we meet and work with agencies in the city who share our passion for the disadvantaged in society
  • Prayer space: a place where we can worship God and pray for God’s work in the city. We want the building to glow with God’s love and prayer for deep transformation
  • Outreach space: a place where we can expand our work into local schools and run children’s clubs
  • Training space: a place where we can run the an ‘Urban School of Mission’ equipping and training staff and churches
  • Productive space: our new headquarters!

How did we fund it?

The building itself cost £750,000 and this was funded by

  • Taking out a mortgage
  • Individuals providing interest free loans
  • Personal donations through the "Build a Hub" appeal

This has been achieved whilst also retaining ownership of our existing HQ at 25 Charnwood St.

We give thanks to God for his provision of the finance required to make the vision for the expansion of our services to become a reality.

Thank you for your continued support and keep praying that God’s will be done. 

The work is only just starting!

Now that we have taken occupation of the building there are numerous general maintenance jobs that need doing before we move in, along with internal refurbishments and enhancements to support the services we will be delivering.

Grants have been secured and we strove to do the following items of work in the first 6 to 12 months:

  • Installation of a new shower block and toilets to support our homelessness programmes - COMPLETE
  • Installation of a commercial grade kitchen to support a Wellbeing Café and other catering demands - COMPLETE
  • Installation of new public access toilets, including disabled facilities - COMPLETE
  • Refurbishment of the outbuildings to house the Basics Bank and provide workshop space for a new back to work programme. - COMPLETE

Future Developments

The next major phase of work is to develop a wellbeing cafe, conference and training facilities that will help to create a long term income stream for the mission.  At present we are creating a business plan and design model from which we can fully scope the work required.  We want to make this a pleasant and calming environment that will support the emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing for all who access it.  In addition we would like to create an outside space at the side of the building which is accessed from the cafe.

To undertake all of these works will the costs will be significant and so we are asking if you would consider investing with us to help get these services up and running. In addition, we will be applying to grant making trusts to help fund these and other works, however some of these may require matched funding, which is where you can also help.


If you would like to make a donation to support the development of the new Community Hub either go to the “Build a Hub” appeal to donate online, or contact our Head of Finance, Tony Chambers to arrange a payment.

Please email Tony Chambers or call him on 01332 460346

Thank you for helping Transforming Lives Together.

Is anything too hard for the Lord? Genesis 18:14